Amanda Roberts

Amanda is an urban designer with experience in delivering thoughtful design while reconciling complex competing needs.

Amanda Roberts, Victorian Design Review Panel
Urban design

Amanda Roberts is an Urban designer and LatStudios Director. She brings her architecture, landscape architecture and planning expertise to a range of urban design projects.

Amanda is a big-picture strategist who works collaboratively with clients and project partners. She is a clear communicator with experience in community engagement and workshop facilitation and brings clarity to complex urban design issues.

She works across the private and public sectors. With local and state governments she is involved in large scale master planning, structure plans and frameworks that provide logical and future looking outcomes for our towns and cities.

Amanda is a member of design review panels for:

  • City of Melbourne
  • Victoria
  • New South Wales
  • South Australia
  • Queensland

Her exposure through participation in these panels ensures she is familiar with best-practice outcomes and can appreciate the projects from all perspectives including their response to the social, economic and environmental outcomes.

Amanda also:

  • sits as a member and Chair of the Urban Design Panel for the Suburban Rail Loop Project
  • IEA Review Panel for North East Link
  • holds an Urban Design Advice role with Economic Development Queensland for the Queens Wharf project

Amanda is a regular expert witness at VCAT and Planning Panels to help ensure that projects  contribute to diverse, successful and safe public environments.

