Anne-Marie Pisani

Anne-Marie advocates for culturally appropriate design processes by ensuring truly collaborative engagements.

Anne-Marie Pisani, Victorian Design Review Panel
Cultural heritage, Landscape architecture

Anne-Marie is a passionate landscape architect with over 20 years’ experience. Her recent work is focussed on appropriate and meaningful processes for engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


  • is a founding member of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Victoria’s ‘Connection to Country’ Committee in 2015
  • sits on the AILA National Advisory Committee
  • led the inaugural ‘C2C’ Symposium

As a senior associate at ASPECT Studios, she leads the development and implementation of their ‘Connection to Country’ National Strategy.

In 2018 Anne-Marie was awarded the AILA President’s Award – Victorian Chapter for her initiative and involvement in the development of the AILA Reconciliation Action Plan.
