Graham Brawn LFRAIA

Graham was a co-designer of finalists in three international design competitions, he has had design leadership roles on a variety of corrections, court-house and mental health projects.

Graham Brawn, Victorian Design Review Panel
Academia, Architecture

Graham is professor emeritus of architecture at the University of Melbourne and a registered architect in Victoria.

Graham is a Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects.

His early practice experiences included roles in offices in Sydney, Toronto, and Chicago.

Later through his work in Vancouver and Edmonton, Canada, he led strategic planning and design programming for major institutional and community projects. This included a term as consultant director of the Planning, Programming and Property Management Division of Public Works, British Columbia.

At the University of Melbourne, he introduced three design practice post-graduate programmes. This including a Masters in Architecture (Examined by Design) and one in Facility Planning and Management.

He has held design and strategic accommodation planning review roles.

Graham continues to teach in design studios and consult.

Educated initially at the University of New South Wales, he did urban design post-graduate studies at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, supported by a Byera Hadley Scholarship from the NSW Board of Architects and a University of Illinois Fellowship.
