Helen Day

Helen is committed to the delivery of enduring environments that enrich the lives of all people and living systems.

Helen Day, Victorian Design Review Panel
Urban design

Helen is an architect and urban designer; her current role is Principal Advisor (Design) with the Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority. Helen has local and international experience in the design and delivery of major public projects and policies.

She has held senior positions with:

  • City of Melbourne (City Design Unit)
  • CABE Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (London)
  • West 8 (Rotterdam)
  • ASPECT Studios (Melbourne)

Her interdisciplinary approach draws on cross-related expertise in:

  • urban design
  • architecture
  • landscape architecture
  • economic development

Helen has a Master of Cities, Space and Society from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has a Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) from RMIT University.
