Jon Shinkfield FAILA

Jon’s portfolio of urban projects is framed by his interest in the relationship between water, people and place, including considerations of productivity, land use and modal transport.

Jon Shinkfield
Landscape architecture

He is a Fellow if the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects.

Jon’s work has been recognised through various awards, and publications. He has been involved in city making projects such as:

  • the master planning of E-Gate in Melbourne (carbon neutral and car free city precinct)
  • Masdar City in Abu Dhabi (carbon neutral and car free city)

These projects and other community-based places demonstrate his intention toward an public green space that unlocks land use opportunities and influences precinctual improvement.

Up until 2006 Jon was a founding partner of PSB Design. From he was 2006 a principal at EDAW, responsible for global design direction. This followed 4 years as director of design and planning with AECOM Melbourne. His current practice, REALMstudios and his involvement in the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities at Monash University brings further focus to his pluralist view of the public realm.
