Kerry O'Neill

Kerry has cross sector experience leading strategic planning projects in integrated urban policy and planning, disaster recovery and sustainable community development.

Kerry O'Neill, Victorian Design Review Panel

Kerry is currently the program manager for the Footscray University Town initiative. This is a partnership between Victoria University and Maribyrnong City Council to shape the urban revitalisation of Footscray.

After the 2009 'Black Saturday' bushfires, Kerry worked for the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority. She led the:

  • development of the Urban Design Framework for the Marysville and Triangle communities
  • delivery of eight public catalyst projects for community recovery and rebuilding
  • development of a longer-term planning framework for Kinglake, Flowerdale and Toolangi communities

Kerry has led urban planning and demonstration projects with the former VicUrban (now Places Victoria) for:

  • revitalising central Dandenong
  • Melbourne Docklands sustainable and affordable housing and development

Kerry's work with state and local governments, universities and community agencies includes:

  • project design
  • facilitation
  • community enterprise
  • stakeholder engagement

She undertook an assignment in Laos as a planning adviser to develop a Learning and Development Centre for Women and Young People.

She holds a Masters degree in Urban Policy and Planning from RMIT University and degrees in Arts and Education.
