Kim Roberts

Kim is well versed in working collaboratively with designers and asset managers to achieve high-quality architectural and heritage outcomes in both the public and private sectors.

Kim Roberts, Victorian Design Review Panel
Architecture, Heritage

Kim is a registered architect and heritage professional who has been active in architectural design, history and theory education throughout her career.

She has extensive experience in:

  • architectural conservation
  • adaptive design
  • the development and implementation of policy for the management of heritage places

Kim has continued to pursue academic research alongside her professional practice. She has presented this work at many conferences and has also published several book chapters.

Her current PhD research investigates the ways in which the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (designed by Kenzo Tange between 1949-55) is physically and conceptually navigated by foreign visitors.

This work reflects a strong interest in modern and post-war urban landscapes and complex heritage places shaped by diverse spatial stories.
