Michael Ratcliffe

Michael has a diverse background in buildings, infrastructure and urban development.

Michael Rattcliffe, Victorian Design Review Panel
Architecture, Planning, Urban design

Michael has over 30 years of local and international experience in high profile professional and senior management roles.

He has extensive design and development experience with all types of projects up to city scale in Australia, Asia and the Middle East. Michael has also held executive management and governance roles in both private and public sector organisations. These have included:

  • global leader of GHD's Urban Development consulting business
  • CEO of the National Capital Authority
  • CEO of the East Perth Redevelopment Authority – a commercially based statutory corporation, responsible for one of Australia's largest public/private urban regeneration projects

He has also been a member of many development boards, industry bodies and design juries for projects such as:

  • the National Museum of Australia
  • sustainable cities
  • national monuments
  • place making ventures

Michael has been a registered architect for over 30 years and has a Masters in urban planning. For the past 5 years has been the Victorian president of the Australian Institute of Project Management.
