Peter Williams LFRAIA

Peter is a highly regarded practitioner who combines the responsibilities of heading an architectural firm, membership of allied professional bodies and other organisations within the community.

Peter Williams, Victorian Design Review Panel

Peter is the founding director of Williams Boag architects (WBa).

He graduated from RMIT, registered in 1972 and is a Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects. Peter is a registered APEC architect.

Peter regards himself first as a practicing architect. He is generous with his time and promotes the value of professionalism with all his fellow staff, clients and the community.

WBa has been acknowledged with over 40 design awards at national, state and local government level. They received the prestigious:

  • RAIA Architecture Medal in 1994
  • International recognition in the Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable cities program for its Inkerman Street Oasis Housing Project Stage 1 in 2002
